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I am a PhD student at KTH specialising in the control and motion planning of multiple robotic manipulators. My research centres on satisfying complex, high-level tasks, articulated through signal temporal logic.

Resume (Jan 2025)

I am actively seeking full-time positions in the fields of control systems, robotics, and motion planning.

Recent Projects

  1. Leader-Follower Cooperative Manipulation Under Spatio-Temporal Constraints

    Description of GIF 3
  2. MAPS2: Multi-Robot Anytime Motion Planning under Signal Temporal Logic Specifications

    Description of GIF 3
    Description of GIF 3
  3. Cooperative Sampling-Based Motion Planning under Signal Temporal Logic Specifications

    Description of GIF 3
  4. Cooperative Object Manipulation under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks and Uncertain Dynamics

    Description of GIF 3
  5. Generating and Optimizing Topologically Distinct Guesses for Mobile Manipulator Path Planning

    Description of GIF 3
  6. Cooperative control of heterogeneous multi-agent systems under spatiotemporal constraints

  7. Bearing-Based Formation Stabilization Using Event-Triggered Control

  8. Distributed Event-Based Control for Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems

In addition to my work, I enjoy various physical activities, such as rowing, running, biking, and playing badminton. I have recently taken up learning to play the piano and have a soft corner for English literature.

Rowing 1 Badminton Bike 1 Bike 2 Bike 3 Hike Rowing 2 Rowing 3