I am a PhD student at KTH specialising in the control and motion planning of multiple robotic manipulators. My research centres on satisfying complex, high-level tasks, articulated through signal temporal logic.
Resume |
Recent Projects
Leader-Follower Cooperative Manipulation Under Spatio-Temporal Constraints Paper Video
MAPS2: Multi-Robot Anytime Motion Planning under Signal Temporal Logic Specifications Paper Video
Cooperative Sampling-Based Motion Planning under Signal Temporal Logic Specifications Paper
Cooperative Object Manipulation under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks and Uncertain Dynamics Paper Video
Generating and Optimizing Topologically Distinct Guesses for Mobile Manipulator Path Planning Paper
Cooperative control of heterogeneous multi-agent systems under spatiotemporal constraints Paper
Bearing-Based Formation Stabilization Using Event-Triggered Control Paper
Distributed Event-Based Control for Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems Paper
In addition to my work, I enjoy various physical activities, such as rowing, running, biking, and playing badminton. I have recently taken up learning to play the piano and have a soft corner for English literature.